- Are my cousins coming tonight? 我的堂兄弟今晚要来吗?
- My mother's nieces are my cousins. 我母亲的侄女是我的表妹。
- The nieces and nephews of my mother are my cousins. 侄女和侄子的妈妈是我的表姐。
- I have three good friends. One is my classmate. The other two are my cousins. 我有三位好朋友,一位是我同学,另两位是我的表姊弟。
- Frank Smith, who happens to be my cousin, is in charge of the office. Frank Smith负责这个办公室;他正好是我的表弟.
- The girl who was sitting next to me was my cousin. 坐在我旁边的姑娘是我表妹。
- I helped her, for she was my cousin. 我帮助了她,因为她是我的表妹。
- Yesterday was my cousin JQ's birthday. [来自:本站原创]昨天是家庆表姐的生日。
- When my cousin came to Taipei on business, he stayed with me for two nights. 我表弟来台北出差时,顺便。
- Believe me, if I knew she was my cousin we never would have dated. 相信我,如果我知道她是我的表妹的话我们绝不会约会的。
- I will serve my uncles as if I am serving my parents. I will treat my cousins as if they are my own siblings. 是风自己的伯叔或堂伯叔,要如同时逢自己的父母一样。对待堂兄弟、表兄弟,也要如同对待自己的亲兄弟一样。
- One or two friends are coming tonight. 今晚有一两个朋友要来。
- So you won't be coming tonight, huh? 那么你今晚就不来了吗,嗯?
- We will be glad if you can come tonight. 如果今晚你能来,我们将会很高兴。
- My cousin is a baseball player. He is a catcher. 我的表弟是个垒球运动员,他是一个接球员。
- Then you must be my cousin. 那么你一定是我的远亲了。
- I am the eldest among my cousins. 我是表兄弟姐妹中年龄最大的。
- Are you sure we can come tonight? We don't want to put you out. 你确信今晚我们能来吗?我不想为难你。
- This Scottish plant was a gift from my cousin. 这棵苏格兰植物是我的一个表亲给我的礼物。
- I hear from my cousin every two weeks. 我每两星期就会收到我表哥的来信。